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Defend, combine, and gather in this addicting free-to-play game!


What about it ?

My Role : Game Designer, Level Designer, Sound Designer, QA Tester

Game created : A Mobile Free-to-Play

Work constraints : Group Project with 5 Game Designers and 3 Gameplay Programers, made in 2 months

Softwares used : Unity, Git, Google Sheets, Figma, FL Studio

Year : 2023

Tower Fusion - Trailer
Play Video

How was it made ?

Being a free-to-play targeted to a casual audience, we needed to come up with an addicting gameplay that could also be monetized and make the game profitable on the long run. We achieved this by combining tower-defense and merging games, while also incorporating the game's USP into the monetization system.

We used Unity 3D to create the game, and we could integrate assets with tools made by the gameplay programers. On top of using Google Sheets for the project's backlog, it was also used for Level Design, balancing and QA testing. Figma and Powerpoint were used to make mockups and Game Design Documents. As for the music and sound effects, I made them myself on FL Studio.


How did it go?

- The merging game idea was found fast but the team took their time to come up with the best uses and repurposes of that mechanic.

- A backlog was updated alongside regular builds made every week.

- Scope was well defined early on and followed throughout development.

- The merge mechanic within the monetization doesn't actually bring much to the table.

- The UX could be improved on to give more info with less explanation.

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