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Tomb Makers -
Level Design

What about it ?

My Role : Level Designer

Work constraints : Individual Project, made over 1 month

Software used : PowerPoint + Unreal Engine

Year : 2023

Tomb Makers Title.png

Click the image above to download the document !


How was it made ?

The goal of this exercice was to make a creative brief for a Shadow of the Tomb Raider level taking place in a randomly selected country, mine was Mongolia.

I first did a lot of research about the country and took notes of key cultural elements and locations in order to design a level that would blend all of it together in a cohesive way.

I then had to design a puzzle using a new mechanic that wasn't in the original game. I used PowerPoint to make 2D mockups as well as Unreal Engine to give a 3D representation of the level.

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