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A fast-paced platformer with a colorful fighting mecanic!

Click the logo above to play!


What about it ?

My Role : Game Designer, Level Designer, Sound Designer, Programmer

Game created : A 3D Action-Platformer

Work constraints : Group Project with 5 Game Designers, made in 3 months

Softwares used : Unity, Photoshop, Trello, Git, Google Sheets, FL Studio

Year : 2022

Trailer Electro Punch
Play Video

How was it made ?

The game was originally going to be a 3D Brawler, but it switched to an Action-Platformer to fit the USP better. Since we were all Game Designers with different schedules, we had to organise our tasks accordingly, while doing daily meetings.

We used Unity 3D to create the game. The programming was done together with Visual Scripting, on top of using a Trello and Git to organise the project. Photoshop and Powerpoint were used to make mockups and Game Design Documents, and Google Sheet was used to update backlogs and changelogs. As for the soundtrack, it was composed by myself on FL Studio.


How did it go?

- The game's USP was found quickly, but its applications were thought out throughout development with fast iterations.

- A backlog was updated alongside regular builds made every week.

- The game was designed from constraints, but ended up as something different and better.

- Individual Level Design mechanics don't offer enough possibilities.

- Most of the levels are too difficult from a casual player perspective.

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