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Cuphead - Video Game Analysis

What about it ?

My Role : Researcher, Editor

Work constraints : Group Project of 3, made in 1 week.

Softwares used : PowerPoint

Year : 2019

Présentation Cuphead 1.png

Click the image above to download the document !


How was it made ?

This exercice was made for a Summer School Class I intended in 2019 about Video Game Analysis. There, we learnt what a Game Design Document (GDD) was, and we were tasked in groups of three to make a GDD-like document that would be much smaller. We would include details like the main gameplay features, the developers and their inspiration, and the artistic direction, being one of the key points of Cuphead.

We used PowerPoint to make the presentation, gathered ressources on the internet including the game's original sprites, and we then presented our work orally at the end of the week.

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