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Jet Set Radio - Top-Down Document

What about it ?

My Role : Researcher, Editor

Work constraints : Individual Project, made 1 week.

Softwares used : PowerPoint

Year : 2021

Capture d’écran (952).png

Click the image above to download the document !


How was it made ?

To familiarise ourselves with documents used in the industry, we had to make a Bottom-Up or Top-Down document of a pre-existing game, adding some of its game loops as well.

I decided to make mine about Jet Set Radio, one of Sega's classic games from the Dreamcast. I played the game, watched walkthroughs and searched for interviews to gather everything from the concept to the controls.

To make the document pleasing to navigaet through, I made an interactive menu from which everything can  be selected, alongside music and sound effects from the original game.

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