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Mugen - Character Balancing

What about it ?

My Role : Researcher, QA Tester

Work constraints : Individual Project, made in 2 months.

Softwares used : Mugen, Notepad++

Year : 2020

unknown (4).png

How was it made ?

Mugen is an open-source fighting game allowing people to create characters, stages, and even UI. Of course, this also allows people to steal content from other fighting games and make them work in this game's engine. This means that a variety of people from different horizons make content for the game, and that characters from different creators can feel very unbalanced.

I thus organised play sessions in order to see what characters needed to be fixed. Each has the same stats, and they're all written in a .cns file that you can easily edit.

With more than 120 characters, the balancing took a long time, but it was necessary to create what could be the greatest crossover of all time!

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