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Unreal Tournament - Level Design

What about it ?

My Role : Level Designer

Work constraints : Individual Project, made in 2 weeks.

Software used : Unreal Tournament Editor

Year : 2020

Unreal Tournament - Level Design
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How was it made ?

This exercice was made for a Summer School Class I intended in 2020 about 3D Level Design. Unlike 2D Level Design, drawing it on a piece of paper is less indicative of what it will feel like in-game. Thus, we spent the first day of the week playing Unreal Tournament, understanding the different traversal options and weaponry available to make our level. Then we were introduced to the editor, with blocking, materials, terraforming and lighting. The level layout was still designed on paper first.


Since I was a beginner at FPS, I noticed some maps were very complex and it felt difficult to be of use for the team. That's when I came up with the idea of a transparent tunnel that allows players to know where everyone else is at all time, while creating interesting close and long-range combat.

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